The unbeliever Creed - Not Really

The unbeliever Creed - Not Really

Going over the basics of belief in God and faith, the church

Early morning, I glared at the Sun rising with its rays showing through the clouds and beaming bright on the rocks near a beach, the ocean was metallic blue and white waves running on the shore.; The sound was so soothing and peaceful, with the mixture of gap of silence and the chirping of sea gulls.
During that moment, while looking at all this with amazement, how is it anyone could not believe in God.; Is it possible to really believe this came out from nowhere with no hand at all.; The world just appeared and organically grew and forms all on its own by chance with creatures and us.; The rocks, the sand, the water, birds, seals, sun, and the tiniest insect with its features such its organs, eyes were all created totally on its own. Of course I could go one on reproduction, the universe and our body. It is just so overwhelming that it could be possible that no one higher than our selves would have designed everything, in fact nearly scary.;
Maybe its extreme and rare for people who believe in no God at all, but how about the ones who believe in a supreme being but as someone who see;s if we can survive in this world he created for us and checks and rewards those who make the most of it in their time here, then when our time is up, that we will automatically pass through to be with him in another world or pass to another chapter of life back in this world.;
However, if we know there is a God, why would he create us humans to reproduce on our own in a physical matter if we could just jump from one life to the next, ;but even more when he created the first humans as we know as our parents.; We know they disobeyed God because of the evil in this world and that we die.; Simply our first parents choose to attempt to be like God and we inherited this along with the evil.; God did not want to end our relationship with us and we know from clues of scriptures, writings and prophesy that someone great and divine from God would come and make amends for us with our God to overcome this evil and death.;
This person we know as Jesus.; He was born like us but not physically reproduced like the rest of us but God conceived with the Virgin Mary, who is known as the Mother of Jesus or God.; Jesus is then human and God entirely.
So if we know Jesus was supposed to come as prophesied and we know he has come through either scripture or word of mouth from those who were close to him during his time which spread from generation to generation, known as the Apostles. ;Then we know from these same Apostles, Jesus formed his church and one of those Apostles was to be the vicar of Jesus to lead this Church because that is what Jesus wanted.;
So the Apostles made sure they anointed those that God chosen to continue spreading this faith through tradition and with the Bible down the centuries which also known as bishops and these same bishops also recognize the vicar who is also known as the Pope that leads the ;Holy Catholic Church. This church through Jesus proclaims the truth about why God made us and to share the divine life that Jesus ransomed his body for through suffering and dying on the cross and then rises from the dead on his own. The Church professes this and without this belief in his Resurrection and the sacraments he left behind for all of us to make our journey here on earth to heaven, we then live in vain .
We go back to looking out at the ocean but this time we only see bare and quiet flat water, as if ;floating on a raft middle of know where and see nothing past the horizon all alone.
2011-10-07 01:02:00

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