Marriage Priest Shortage and Divorce Link

Marriage Priest Shortage and Divorce Link

Discussion on Marriage on the rise of divorce linked to priest scandal and lack of vocations
Is it possible since we realized we were getting less vocations for priesthood and with the abuses that the divorce rate seemed to get higher.;;In addition;from the 1960's, the start of;open free love (sex), birth control, no-fault divorce law making and rise of amount of women in work force.; In short, since we had some priests who were not totally faithful and decline in priest vocations;that marriage was loosing also its identity.;;Marriage no longer seemed as a extraordinary vocation but now just a social event.; The priest, the persona of Christ is the key to a healthy marriage, especially for Christians, we see through their vocation God as part of our marriage, then marriage will most likely hold up better, just like the scripture in regards to the man who built his house in sand or;the other on better foundation.; The priest is a vital link to the Sacrament of Marriage because it provides the other sacraments to ensure Christ is with us the Holy Communion and Confession.; If we loose this, then marriage is vulnerable, as it seems to be showing now.
2011-07-20 19:51:00

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