Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Are we sleeping in our faith , are we alert to Gods presence

Today's reading is about Samuel sleeping and hearing God call to him. (1 SM 3:1-10).

How often we sleep with our actions or behaviours toward God in our relationship to him.  Are we too tired to listen or pray to God?   Instead of responding to God's will or going to him with our concerns, are we like Samuel and going to other people for consolation or affirmation; or worst yet going to materialistic vices such as being totally junked up with social networking, or leaning to media for relief or distraction from our problems?  We know God is there for us in the Eucharist or present via adoration or in a chapel where he is in a tabernacle its here where we can say like Samuel when he realized God was reaching out to him; "Speak Lord, for your servant is listening".

Do we go to him for our needs like the apostles did in Mk 1:29.  It makes me chuckle a little bit that Peter would ask Jesus to cure his mother-in-law, one could only imagine that Peter was respecting his wife or he had a really god relationship with her, but the point is he wasn't afraid to ask the Lord for help, it's during these moments that Peter and rest of the apostles that they are fully awake of the Lords relationship with them.

However what happens during the Garden of Gethsemane, the apostles fall a sleep (Mat 26:40)  It's here the apostles decide their comfort is more important than our Lord, Jesus even points out that they would lead to temptations and qoutes "The spirit is willing , but the flesh is weak", and so we know from here because Peter is a asleep and not attentive, that he does everything wrong such as slashing the guards ear to denying Jesus in a matter of hours.

So let us reflect on how important we shouldn't be sleeping in our faith by lack of prayer, good works, doing our daily tasks well, going to mass , etc. Let's not only depend of the comforts of the world. Otherwise just like Peter in a short time we can sin and loose that relationship with God, but also knowing we can make that only temporary because God loves us and is willing to take us back no matter what.


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