A reflection from the Gospel of the Lords Vineyard Matt 20:1-16 from the book "In Conversation with God"
Working in the vineyard is symbolic of the Lords salvation will. Lord doesn't mean the parable to be a strict lesson on labor relations. He wants us do understand that his grace is a pure gift.
So even if we followed Jesus in our youth, this does not enjoy precedence over someone else that is mature and in their final moments of their life. The day's wages represent God's grace and it s piety few people know Christ in a personal matter and not accept his graces
However it could be that people around us may not find Christ or accept his graces due to our lack of sharing his word or setting a bad example.
So there is room in the vineyard for all!
The Second Vatican Council states:"children too have an apostolate of their own. In their own measure they are true living witness of Christ among the companions. Sick people are also called to the apostolate. On al Christians, accordingly, rests the noble obligation of working to bring all men throughout the whole world to hear and accept the divine message of salvation"
So all who cross our path in the life, should not say they were not encouraged by our example or by our word or lack of it.
From Saint Pope John Paul II "This then, is the vineyard; this is the field in which the faithful are call to fulfill their mission. Jesus wants them, as he wants all his disciples, to be the 'salt' of the earth, and the light of the world."
We must not wait ofr imaginary or better opportunities, we have the graces necessary to do an effective aposolate.
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