Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Patience and meekness

Jesus is the model of patience and meekness

We need to contemplate the greatness of God as opposed to that weakness of our own or others which we know thourhg experience of our repeated falls to sin

From Isiah 4:25-31

Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in steadfast love; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run  and not be weary, thery shall walk and not faint.

Jesus brought a yoke and a burden to humankind, his yoke is easy to bear because it liberates us, and this burden does not weight us down because he himself carries the hard part.

Matt11 Jesus says, Come to me , all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

Jesus wins the trust of the people following him due to meeknes of His heart., it is through his lovable heart that crowds at his time on earth find shelter and rest, and why they are strongly attracted by him and find peace in him.  And today we do the same through the eucharist.  The fruitfulness of all apostotlate will and should be very closely bound up with this virtue of meekness and patience.

If we are to follow and be like Christ as we are due to our baptism, then we should notice how patient he was with defects of his disciples.

The way to cure our bad temp or impatience with either ourselves or others failures is to imitate Jesus meekness.  This calm and welcoming spirit will be born and develop in us in exact proportion to ur efforsts to remember to constant presence of God and to think more of our Lord's life on this earth.

Meekness is particuraly necessary in circumstances where living with other people who are difficult.

Meekness is founded on great spiritual streangth. Just as the Gospel beatitudes, notes, the poor are those who are really rich, so the meek are those who are truly strong.

Meekness is like a strong shield which blunts and shatters the sharp arrows of anger, The meek are like people dressed in garments of thick quilted, meekness helps control and directs it, so that is aroused only when ncessary.

Let us examine ourselves on our readiness to make sacrifices neccessary to make life pleasant for other people.  LEt us see if we are able to give way to other people opinions, instead of claiming to be always right about everything, and how to control our temper and disregard the frictions which are in our daily life.

If we can go to adoration or just go to a chapel with the tabernacle, let us discuss or talk it over with our lord and let him get through and what is in our uppermost thoughts.

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